What will replace Flash?

It’s time to convert to HTML5

In 2017, Adobe announced that they would no longer support Flash beyond 2020. In addition, Google and Microsoft will be disabling the plug-in from their browsers default settings by December 31, 2020. Many other browsers have already started to block Flash in preference for HTML5 based content.

This means that in 2021, there will no longer be any updates or any fixes for Flash. All browsers will no longer play video, animation, or apps built and published using Flash software by default.

Why is the support being dropped?

Flash has a lot of limitations in the modern digital world, being created before smartphones were widely used. Flash based content tends loads slowly and drain device batteries, creating a negative user experience.

It began when Apple stopped supporting Flash back in 2010 and since then, all iOS devices do not support flash. In the past 10 years, Canadians have been dominantly mobile iOS users. For organizations, continuing to use Flash was effectively preventing more than 50% of the Canadian audience from seeing their content on mobile.

Graph Source: gs.statcounter.com

Finally, Flash proved to be a high security risk for users viewing Flash content. Every day, new ways are being found by scammers to use Flash to hack into user’s computers and gain access to their personal information.

This is enough reason for all of us to move past Flash and start using a better alternative to serve our learning content online.

The alternative? HTML5

HTML5 allows for your educational course, animation, or app to be accessed and supported by all devices and browsers. This increases efficiency as one version of your content can work across different devices and browsers.

Support ends for Flash in less than 4 months.

Now is the time to start converting your assets to HTML5.

3 tips to convert Flash to HTML5

Converting from Flash to HTML5 is not a direct conversion, as many features are incompatible, but here are three tips to make the process a little easier.

Tip 1: Take inventory of all your Flash Assets

To start, it’s important to identify all assets that are Flash-based and finding their source files. This includes having the raw course, image, and video files. This will make the conversion process much easier as you can edit and update from your source files rather than having to start from scratch.

Tip 2: Identify the type of conversion needed

Once you have an inventory of all your Flash assets, it’s time to categorize them into the type of conversion needed.

  • Screenshot
    This is for basic content where the visual design is satisfactory, there is no interactivity, and the information has not changed. Narration can be updated while preserving the rest of the course.
  • Redesign
    This is for basic to intermediate content with a moderate amount of interactivity. The visual design might need to be updated to reflect modern trends, but the learning design and structure remains. This type of conversion allows for a visual and sound update while retaining the core assets.
  • Revamp
    A revamp typically is for intermediate to advanced content with a significant amount of interactivity. In addition, both the visual and learning design needs an overhaul to appeal to the modern audience. A revamp would mean learning design, graphics, narration, and interactivity will all need to be updated.

Tip 3: Optimize for new learning strategies and devices

After categorizing your assets, it is highly recommended to make the following tweaks:

  • Ensure on-screen elements are aligned, readable, and functional across all devices and browsers.
  • Break long sections (greater than 5 minutes) into micro-learning units for bite-sized mobile learning.

Modern learners do not have the time for long or tedious learning. Providing visually engaging bite-sized content allows greater comprehension and ensure learners stay focused.


Ready to make the switch?
Let us handle the conversion

We are happy to work with you from start to finish on your learning content conversion process, including picking the most cost-effective solution that meets your business needs. Once a course of action is chosen, we will develop an easy-to-implement eLearning experience for your learners, making the changeover seamless and pain free.